We are glad you are visiting The Lovett School’s WebSource site. Here you will find research-based resources and videos on today’s most challenging topics in social and emotional learning – building the character and life skills we know support academic and life-long success. More information on a variety of counseling-related topics is available on our Lovett School website, as well. Please click on the icons below to see the latest news about guidance-related topics at school. If there is a topic that you would like more information about, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Upper SchoolAlyse Cooper-Pribish (left) and Kelley Greer
Alyse Cooper-Pribish, M.S., LPC, Certified Preventionist
Director of Guidance Counseling
404-262-3032 x1291
alyse.cooperpribish@lovett.orgKelley Greer, Ed.S.
Guidance Counselor
404-262-3032 x1152
Middle SchoolChase Jones (left) and Sara Friedman
Chase Jones, M.A., MFT, LPC
Director of Guidance Counseling
404-262-3032 x1393
chase.jones@lovett.orgSara Friedman, MSW
Guidance Counselor
404-262-3032 x1248
Lower SchoolYasmine Schmid (left) and Gayle Greenwood
Gayle Greenwood, M.Ed.
Director of Guidance Counseling
404-262-3032 x1226
gayle.greenwood@lovett.orgYasmine Schmid, MA, NCC
Guidance Counselor
404-262-3032 x1263